Using a scaffold return as a return tie
Scaffolding erected around the ends of building facades to follow the line of the buildings are what are termed as “scaffold returns” and when erected in the correct manner can be regarded as providing a sufficient attachment to the scaffold at each lift of a scaffold equivalent to the standard tie positioned at the end of a building façade.
The following practice should be followed when using a scaffold return as a tying return:
- Façade bracing should be installed to both return and façade elevations and the scaffold should be adequately tied (depending on number of bays and lifts)
- Returns ledgers should extend to connect to both the inside and outside ledgers of the façade scaffold to where the return is been attached.
- Where the corner guardrails from both return and façade elevations meet at the corner standard(upright) the connections to the standard should be fixed with load bearing right angle double couplers at every lift. (Inclusive of a scaffolder none working lift used during erection).
Any scaffolding elevations with a return at one end only must be tied with a standard tie arrangement.
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