SG34:11 Protection of the public
Scaffolding is frequently erected in areas to which members of the public have access. the precautions that need to be taken to protect the public during the erection, modification and removal of scaffolding are similar to those provided to protect members of the work force on an enclosed site but, because of the public’s unfamiliarity with construction sites, additional physical protection, systems of work and supervision are needed.
It is the contractors responsibility to ensure that pedestrians are kept safe during the works
- Ideally the public should be excluded from the area of work
- If this is not possible, it may be necessary to provide an adequately protected thoroughfare ( pavement lift). By excluding ledger bracing from the first lift, provide a greater head room to a maximum height of 2.70m
Protection during the erection of scaffolding:
- Where possible work should be carried out at times that reduce contact with the public
- Warning signs must be displayed at each end of the structure and stand by person put in place
- Pavement lift must allow unimpeded access below the first lift. This can be achieved by omitting the ledger bracing below first lift to provide clear access, although face bracing must still extend to ground.
- Pavement lift must provide at least 2.44m headroom but be no greater than 2.70m unless specially designed.
- Since the ledger bracing has been omitted an alternative method of stabilising is required, either by plan bracing or tying in scaffolding at alternate bays
- The thoroughfare should be constructed so there are no tubes to impede the minimum 2.44m headroom
- The route should be at least 1.125m wide and suitable for those with disabilities
- The pavement lift needs to be close boarded to prevent materials falling onto pedestrians. Improved protection can be maintained by double boarding with polythene membrane sandwiched between boards
- All standards that are adjacent to public access must be fitted with high visibility hazard tape ( yellow and black) or preferably foam padding up to a height of 2.00m
- Scaffold should not have any sharp ends, unprotected nuts or bolts within 2.00m of ground level.
- pavement lift must have no trip hazards. Consideration is required for sole boards which may be replaced with continuous timber kerb to support base plates
- client should ensure scaffolding is lit during the hours of darkness