HSE – Fee For Intervention Served on Individuals

A Fee For Intervention was recently served on an individual, employed as a scaffolder, working on a Carey Housing project.

The HSE Inspector was driving by the site when he noticed the scaffolder working without edge protection, or another method that would prevent him from failing.

The Inspector spoke directly to the scaffolder, explaining what he had observed and the breach in legislation which the scaffolder had made. The result was that the scaffolder was personally issued with an Enforcement Notice and fined £400. 

Careys Project Manager was next to be interviewed. Discussions took place with regard to the role of the Principle Contractor, training, competency, safe systems at work (including review of the sub-contractor’s method statements and risk assessments). The HSE Inspector’s opinion was that the method statement needed to be made more site specific. The detail which was omitted was the method of protection the scaffolder would be using — this should not be “generic” or left entirely to the scaffolder to decide upon. There was no action taken against Careys on this occasion, as the Inspector was pleased with what he had seen implemented by the company. The HSE Inspector warned, however, that individuals are being targeted and will continue to receive fines and an Enforcement Notice from the HSE if they break the law. A breach of the regulations includes failing to wear PPE, operating plant and equipment without the relevant training, failing to adhere to the method statement and risk assessments (RAMs), or for altering scaffolds if you are not trained. Please bear in mind that the above are examples only as advised by the HSE Inspector. Therefore, it is essential that you stick to your RAMs, and please ensure that you comply with these and work safely at all times.

Failure to do so could leave you with a fine to pay — as in this case with the scaffolder!

NASC Guidance Note SG4:10 “Preventing Falls in Scaffolding” Provides definitive guidance for scaffolding contractors and clients. If you require more information about advice and training, please contact us on safe@safetyaccess.co.uk

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